During the exploration phase (2010 – 2022)

Between 2010 and 2022, direct employment generated by Eramine exceeded 250 people, excluding subcontractors. In addition, purchases of inputs and materials are made from local suppliers, to the extent possible, in order to contribute to the local economy.

The Pilot Plant not only served to develop and optimize the process, but also to improve the skills of its employees. One of the main benefits of this plant is that it raises the level of local labor and industry.

During the construction phase (2022-2024)

The region of Salta and Argentina is benefiting directly from the project: local companies, workers, suppliers, etc.

Up to 1,600 workers simultaneously, more than 80% of whom are from the province of Salta, mobilized for the construction.

Contribution to the creation of more than 2500 direct jobs in Salta region.

US$489 million injected
into the Argentinian economy

In the operation phase

This industrial activity will generate significant economic benefits for Argentina (wages, local spendings for operational requirements (goods and services from local suppliers), provincial royalties, Income Tax): 

  • $160 million/year or $3.3 billion over the next 20 years, this is based on production costs and the market price of lithium

Among the CSR contributive benefits

A strong contributive program for local development is put in place for the benefit of the communities and the authorities:

  • Dialogue with local communities: In early 2010, before beginning exploration work on the deposit, Eramet teams have started a process of study and dialogue with local communities, in particular the community of Kollas, who is recognized as an indigenous population through the constitution of the Province of Salta. A Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) procedure has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of ILO Convention 169, leading to the granting of consent in February 2020. The communities continue to be kept periodically informed of the project development, and their advises listened.

Eramet Beyond Programs for the communities

In 2024 Eramet launched in all its subsidiaries, the “Eramet Beyond for Contributive Impacts” program.

The Eramet Group is committed to taking part in the major national challenges of the countries in which it operates, by promoting equal opportunities and supporting entrepreneurship alongside governments and institutional and economic players.

For years, this has been reflected in strong CSR commitments in all our countries of operation: concrete contributions rooted in the regions and serving local populations.

1,200 women entrepreneurs trained in 3 years

In Argentina, one Eramet Beyond program is named “The Women for Future” program that aim to encourage female entrepreneurship, empower women, and have a significant impact on local employment. We are partnering with Pro Mujer, known for its expertise on women empowerment and its digital platform Emprende which has already proved its worth in other Latin American countries.

During 3 years the program is benefiting to 1,200 women entrepreneurs trained in six-week sessions. It will strengthen their income-generating activities on the long-term and contribute to the development of the local economy.

“Por Nuestros Ninos” / Triple Impact Foundation

In 2023, Eramet stepped up its support for the local entrepreneurial ecosystem in the “Triple Impact” project. This programme is based on three pillars: education via schools and universities, capacity-building for entrepreneurs in Salta (access to finance and support) and the ability to choose a business sector (agriculture, livestock farming, etc).

More than 1,100 people benefited from this initiative.

Other benefits for Argentina are related to the technology being used and the high levels of skills being provided to the local workforce:

Eramine extracts lithium using the most resource-efficient process.

It processes this resource in Argentina, into a high value-added product, battery-grade lithium carbonate, with the minimum of impurities.

It contributes to Argentina being a major actor in the energy transition, for which lithium is essential, a transition that must be successfully negotiated in order to preserve the climatic balance of our planet.